Thursday, February 4, 2010

2/3/10 Daily Food Log

Large bowl of Shredded Wheat(1/2 plain and 1/2 vanila almond) w/ 1 % Milk

Bagel- 1/2 with cream cheese and lox and 1/2 with tuna, lettuce, tomato
1/2 Roll with egg salad, lettuce, tomato
2 small potato knishes
Can of coke zero
small piece of cake
bag of chips
2 small boxes of candy

2 rolled sandwiches(4 in) 1 veggie and 1 steak
1 large cookie
2 glasses of OJ
1 serving of chicken Cesar salad with balsamic vinaigrette

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

100 Reasons to Live!

To date I have lost over 120 pounds!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Complimentary Coaching Session

This card is valid for 1 Complimentary Coaching Session with
Leadership and Personal Development Coach
Andrew Kirschner

Realize your Dreams in 2008 for:Health, Money, Career, and Relationships
Call or E-mail today.

This offer expires 8/31/2008 and coaching slots are limited.
Session valued at $110.

Call Andrew Kirschner at 773- 856-6849 or

to schedule a time.
(If the session becomes the start of an 8 session agreement,the cost of this session will be credited to the 8 session program).Name:________________________
Referred By:______________________

What is Life Coaching?

What is life coaching?

Working with a leadership and personal development (life) coach is similar to having a personal trainer, financial planner, or real estate agent. However, instead of helping you develop the perfect body, investments, or house, a life coach helps you find the perfect life. You could certainly get all these things on your own; however, with the help of a professional trainer, planner, or realtor… or coach what we want most in life comes to us faster and with greater abundance than we ever imagined.

How does coaching with Andy work exactly?

I ask that clients commit to 8 sessions or more up front. This will ensure that they receive the full benefit of the coaching process. Each session lasts about an hour and can be done over the phone or in person. What happens in each session depends on the person and what that person wants to get out of coaching. Sessions can be set up weekly or bi-monthly and we agree on assignments to complete between sessions. Sometimes the assignment is reading, sometimes writing, and often action steps to which Andy holds his clients accountable from week to week. Everything is strictly confidential and my work comes with a money back guarantee.

What is coaching with Andy like?

You can read the testimonials posted earlier in this blog to see what people have said about their experiences working with me. If you are curious to try it out for yourself, use my free coaching session coupon (with no obligation to pay or continue). Feel free to send it to someone who you think might be interested.

7 Reasons to Experience Coaching

7 Reasons to Experience Coaching

1. Attract abundance: Wealth and Health
Make more money, earn a better income, loose weight, get in shape. Coaching clients report all these results.

2. Walk through life consciously.
Move through your day with constant awareness and purpose and make a noticeable difference in how you act in and interact with the world around you.

3. Connect with people meaningfully.
Improve relationships; make new friends; meet the partner of your dreams!

4. Discover Peace.
Expect and understand that everything is happening just as it should, exactly on time.

5. Make decisions with clarity and confidence.
A coach is a sounding board and confidant. A coach is trained to advise, encourage, or just listen as needed.

6. We have coaches for other things; why not life?
We spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week living our lives. There is no shame in having guidance along the way.

7. Get in touch with your spirit and purpose
Answer the big question: What do I want out of life and how do I get it?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guiding Principles to Peace and Confidence

Guiding Principles to Peace and Confidence

I offer you 5 principles that I have learned and held close over the last 3 years. These ideas have helped me to find genuine peace and confidence in my life. I don’t want you to think that I am never unhappy or afraid. I still face challenges on a daily basis. The difference is that before I felt trapped and stuck. Today I find peace and confidence knowing that I have the power and ability to face fear and continue moving forward.

1. Acknowledgement
Start by focusing on what went right or you did right. Keep a journal, start a blog, write in a notebook, or simply say a list out-loud. What would you say to a friend that needed extra support or his/her spirits lifted? Say THAT to yourself.

2. Gratitude
Practice saying thank you when others help you or offer a compliment. Try to do this without an excuse, explanation, or return compliment. Just graciously accept and enjoy the feeling.
At the end of each day write down 5 things you are grateful for. If things are going that bad, you can start with gratitude for the pen and paper to write the list… you’ll find more things the more you do it.

3. Get Quiet; Get Clear; Visualize
Close your eyes and spend time with the vision of who you want to be and the world that you would like to attract. Notice how you feel and what you hear, see, and even smell. Record your vision in some way. You can write it down, tape record, or draw a picture. You may just start by describing your ideal week.

4. Put Yourself First
YOU are the most important and influential person in your life. You spend more time with YOU than anyone else. You know YOU better than any person. Without YOU, you do not exist. How would you value someone’s time that you respected and held in high regard? Try scheduling your time that way. Don’t be afraid to say no to others, if they demand too much of your time.

5. Acceptance; Release Attachment
Imagine yourself in control of your current situation. Both the good and the bad are there because you decided it would be that way. Play with the idea that you are perfect and experiencing everything perfectly. That is to say, that you are getting exactly what you need out of life right now. It is hard to be a victim with this perspective. This idea will help you to move forward, past fear. It allows you to say “What’s the worse thing that could happen if I just do______? Well, I could live with that, so it’s worth moving forward from here.”

Coupon for FREE Design Your Dreams Session

I am offering FREE 45 minute Design Your Dreams Sessions

Reach clarity in your goals for:
Health, Money, Career, and Relationships

Don’t wait. This offer expires 5/31/2008 and coaching slots are limited.
Session valued at $75. Call Andrew Kirschner at 630-607-9577
or email: to schedule a time.

(This coupon can also be used towards an 8 session Coaching Program)