Friday, July 11, 2008

7 Reasons to Experience Coaching

7 Reasons to Experience Coaching

1. Attract abundance: Wealth and Health
Make more money, earn a better income, loose weight, get in shape. Coaching clients report all these results.

2. Walk through life consciously.
Move through your day with constant awareness and purpose and make a noticeable difference in how you act in and interact with the world around you.

3. Connect with people meaningfully.
Improve relationships; make new friends; meet the partner of your dreams!

4. Discover Peace.
Expect and understand that everything is happening just as it should, exactly on time.

5. Make decisions with clarity and confidence.
A coach is a sounding board and confidant. A coach is trained to advise, encourage, or just listen as needed.

6. We have coaches for other things; why not life?
We spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week living our lives. There is no shame in having guidance along the way.

7. Get in touch with your spirit and purpose
Answer the big question: What do I want out of life and how do I get it?

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