Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb 2008 Message to Friends

Dear friends,

3 years ago, I weighed at least 295 pounds, my waist was over 50 inches, my body-fat percentage was over 33%, and I would loose my breath and sweat walking up even the smallest amount of stairs. Today, I weigh 195 pounds, have a 35 inch waist, reduced my body fat to 22%, and recently completed a 10K race (6.2 miles) in 50 minutes, 8 seconds (8 min 10 sec mile).

Today I weigh less than I did on my 19th birthday (11 years ago), and I am in the best physical condition of my life. The best part is, I am still working to hit my goal weight of 180 pounds.

We all made resolutions on New Year's Eve to get healthier, lose weight, or get in shape this year. Many of us have fallen off the wagon on these goals. Here are 5 tips that have worked for me to help get back on track to hitting that weight loss goal!

All of these steps are better helped with support. If you know some people that could benefit from these tips, please pass them along. Your support will mean a lot to them.

I have also attached a coupon for a FREE COACHING SESSION. Through coaching I have been able to improve my health, eliminate debt, find the perfect relationship, and discover my ideal career. I have been working as a leadership and personal development coach for almost a year now, and it is not surprising that my clients report the same benefits that I have gotten from coaching.

I have recently opened up a few slots in my schedule for new clients. If you know someone that would benefit from these types of results, please pass this along.

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